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Best Foods for Muscle Recovey

Muscle recovery after exercise is crucial for improving performance and...

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Hydration on Tournament Game Days

Dr. Logan's Hydration Plan for a Tournament Day

  1. Before First Game

    • ...
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What Should I Eat In-Between Games?

Between tournament games, it's essential to refuel with foods that provide...

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SLAP Tears: Current Management slap tears

First, what is a SLAP tear?

A SLAP lesion is a tear of the superior glenoid...

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Does Grit Impact ACL Outcomes?

Does Grit Impact ACL Outcomes?

Grit is the disposition to strive for...

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The Athletic Shoulder Test (ASH) with Dr. Logan

Why is this test important? To determine injury risk or contributors to...

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We're sure you've tried many programs before, and if you're here it's likely none have worked in the past. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.
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